Celebrating 10 Years of Imagine a Day Without Water
AMERICAN Ductile Iron Pipe, AMERICAN Flow Control, AMERICAN SpiralWeld Pipe, Videos, Water and Wastewater, Fire ProtectionOn Thursday, October 17, 2024, AMERICAN Cast Iron Pipe Company joins more than 1,000 water and wastewater utilities, public officials, business leaders, engineers and manufacturers for the tenth consecutive year of Imagine a Day Without Water.

Sponsored by the U.S. Water Alliance and the Value of Water Campaign, the goal of Imagine a Day Without Water is to highlight the significance of water in our daily lives and the need for investment in U.S. water infrastructure.
Water is one of our most valuable resources, and AMERICAN and its employees play a valuable role in manufacturing products to help deliver water to communities. To play off the 10th year celebration, here are 10 ways we value water.
1. Life

On average, Americans use 176 gallons of water per day, or 64,240 gallons a year. According to a 2021 report by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), our nation’s drinking water infrastructure is composed of 2.2 million miles of pipe, with many of them nearing the end of their service life.
2. Drinking
We rely on water to keep us hydrated and to transport nutrients from the food we eat throughout our bodies. The EPA’s 2023 Drinking Water Infrastructure Needs Survey and Assessment found water utilities in the U.S. will need to spend $625 billion over the next 20 years to fix, maintain and improve the nation’s water infrastructure.
3. Fire Protection
Access to water is imperative for first responders, especially firefighters. Almost 400,000 house fires occur in the U.S. each year, and water that flows from fire hydrants is essential for fighting these fires.
4. Health Care
Hospitals in the U.S. use an average of 570 gallons of water per staffed bed every day.
5. Health
Water helps us maintain good health. In fact, washing your hands is one of the most important steps to avoid getting sick and spreading germs.
6. Economic Development
One fifth of the U.S. economy would come to a halt without access to water. Communities and businesses need water to thrive.
7. Manufacturing
Water is used to produce many of our nation’s goods, and an estimated 46% of all water consumed in the U.S. is used to make the products we buy.
8. Agriculture
Farmers need water to grow vegetables, fruits and grains to feed more than 330 million people across the nation.
9. Lawn Care
The average lawn in the U.S. needs around one-inch of water per week to stay green.
10. Recreation
The average pool needs 18,000 gallons of water to fill. Without water, swimming in a pool or running through a sprinkler would be impossible.