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Smithfield Park Mural Made Possible with AMERICAN Sponsorship

Oct 3 , 2013
Community Involvement

Smithfield Estates Park in North Birmingham looks a little different now. That’s because more than 300 volunteers converged on the small park located in the heart of the Smithfield Estates neighborhood on April 13 to paint a colorful mural. AMERICAN Cast Iron Pipe Company sponsored the event, providing the paint, supplies and funding for an artist to lead the project.

“I am so grateful for the role they (AMERICAN) play in our community.”,” said Ellen Spencer, Smithfield Estates neighborhood president.

The mural was painted on the block walls of an abandoned bathhouse in the park that was once part of the Hamilton Slope mines. Spencer said she hopes the paintings will add a sense of serenity and calmness to the park. Crews from the city of Birmingham cut debris from around the walls, and cleaned and applied the primer beforehand.

AMERICAN worked with the artist to help find and deliver the 40 gallons of paint, rollers and buckets needed for the project. Artist Toby Richards of the Birmingham Museum of Art led the project, compiling the initial sketch from paintings done by students in her art enrichment class that is part of the after school program at Daniel Payne Elementary School. Many of those same students also helped paint the mural on April 13. Other volunteers included members of the community, students from the University of Alabama at Birmingham and Jefferson State Community College, and District 20 Senator Linda Coleman.

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