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A 65-Year Relationship of Meeting the Customer’s Needs

Nov 17 , 2014
Customer Stories, Water and Wastewater
AMERICAN Flow Control and the City of Kensington have a relationship that dates back more than 65 years. Pictured (left to right) are Municipal Authority of the City of New Kensington Distribution Superintendent Phillip Toney, General Manager Jim Matta, Assistant Distribution Superintendent Ed Saliba and AFC Territory Manager Jack Troutman.

Owner: The Municipal Authority of the City of New Kensington, Pennsylvania, supplies water to about 15,000 customers across western Pennsylvania. Those areas include Arnold, New Kensington, Lower and Upper Burrell, parts of Allegheny and Washington townships and the Plum Borough. New Kensington and AMERICAN Flow Control (AFC) have a history that dates back more than 65 years. Of the system’s 1,085 hydrants, about 99 percent are AFC.

Project Summary: In 2013, the municipal authority analyzed the system’s assets over a 20-year period, looking at number of breaks, flow problems and overall efficiency. From its study, $6.8 million in improvements was needed for 20 streets in the system (the oldest part of its service area). The estimated nine-month project began Sept. 1, 2014. Once complete, the project will provide customers with more reliable water services and increased fire protection.

“We felt that it [AFC B-62-B] was the best hydrant on the market to provide adequate protection for our customers,” said Jim Matta, general manager of the Municipal Authority of the City of New Kensington. “One of the reasons the AFC hydrants were chosen is their ease of long-term maintenance. Since most of the hydrants in our system are AFC, our crews already have the knowledge to service them.”

Funding for the project was provided through the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority (PENNVEST), which provides low-interest loans for sewer, storm water and drinking water projects across the state.


“With AMERICAN, you have support before, during and after installation.”Jim Matta, General Manager of the Municipal Authority of the City of New Kensington


72 AFC B-62-B hydrants were purchased for the New Kensington project.

What They Said:“With AMERICAN, you have support before, during and after installation,” said Matta. “You know you can always depend on AMERICAN to make things right. Another good part is these products are made in America, which keeps jobs here.”

Matta also praised AFC Salesman Jack Troutman, who provides fire hydrant and valve maintenance demonstrations for new utility employees as well as for local firefighters. “Jack will break down a valve and hydrant and show them how it’s made and how it works. This gives them a better understanding and appreciation for AMERICAN’s products.”

What They Used: Purchased for the project were 72 AFC B-62-B 5 ¼-inch hydrants and AFC 6-, 8-, 10- and 12-inch diameter valves.


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