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Opflow Features AMERICAN Flow Control Article on the Use of Bypasses on Resilient Wedge Gate Valves

Feb 15 , 2022
Water and Wastewater

AMERICAN Flow Control recently published an article in the American Water Works Association’s January/February 2022 issue of Opflow on the use of bypasses on resilient wedge gave valves.  It was written by AFC’s Marketing and Technical Manager Derek Scott and Product Engineer John Helf.  The article presents new research regarding the use of bypasses on large diameter resilient wedge gate valves. It explores the history of gate valves for water supply service and how more recent advances in technology have changed the way utilities will want to approach items like bypasses. In the article, Scott and Helf also take a deep dive in validating the lack of a need for these bypasses to aid in the operation of today’s larger diameter valves.

View and download the Opflow article.

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