AMERICAN’s 16"-24" Series 2500 ductile iron resilient wedge gate valves are suitable for use in potable water, sewage and fire protection systems. These valves have a rated working pressure of 250 psig with zero leakage. The waterway is clear and unobstructed.
Positive joint restraint
No need for friction style restrainers
No point loading of pipe wall
No restraint hardware to corrode
Additional joint deflection compared to traditional pipe joints
Even distribution of pipeline thrust loads
Joint restraint hardware is protected inside the valve joint
No disc in waterway to restrict flow or to increase pumping costs
Allows passage of pigging devices
Internal parts can be serviced without cutting valve out of pipeline
250 psig rating provides for future pressure increases over the 150 psig pressure rating typically found on most butterfly valves
Zero allowable leakage
Lower torque requirements to operate valve
250 psig pressure rating compared to the 150 psig rating typically found on double-disc gate valves
Fusion bond epoxy-coated inside and out
Lighter total valve weight
Single-gate construction. Double-disc gate valves have multiple parts that can seize together.
Bypasses, rollers, tracks and scrapers are not needed.
Ductile Iron Construction
250 psig rating
UL Listed and FM Approved in Applicable Configurations
Certified to NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 and NSF/ANSI/CAN 372
Triple O-Ring stem seals
Epoxy coating inside and out
Thrust washers
Lifting Devices
Zero leakage
Dual sealing body to bonnet gaskets
EPDM Encapsulated Ductile Iron Wedge With Polymer Guide Covers
Optional gearing (Standard on 30" and larger)
Bypass available at an additional cost on valves 20” and larger
Ductile Iron Construction
The ductile iron body and bonnet provide superior strength and allow a pressure rating of 250 psig. The strength of ductile iron is more double that provided by gray iron. This added strength and higher pressure rating are provided in a compact, lighter design.
250 PSIG Pressure Rating
The Series 2500 is pressure rated at 250 psig to account for typical pressure variations and surges.
UL Listed and FM Approved in Applicable Configurations
Both UL and FM require that we consistently manufacture and test our valves in compliance with their stringent requirements. Our facilities are subject to periodic inspections to assure we are in compliance with their standards.
Certified to NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 and NSF/ANSI/CAN 372
The Series 2500 gate valve is Certified in all sizes as complying with NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 and NSF/ANSI/CAN 372, which exhibit compliance with the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.
Triple O-Ring Stem Seals
Sealing the lubrication chamber is a series of O-Ring stem seals. The two O-Rings above and one below the stem thrust collar help to isolate the lubrication chamber.
Epoxy Coating Inside and Out
A fusion-bonded epoxy coating is electrostically applied to the interior and exterior of the valve body to help ensure corrosion resistance for a long service life. The coating is applied to all ferrous surfaces after the valve body is shot-blasted clean.
Thrust Washers
Thrust washers are located above and below the stem collar to reduce operating input torque and assist in trouble-free operation of the valve.
Lifting Devices, 14"-66"
All 14"-66" valves are provided with integral lifting devices, which allow the valve to be properly handled without lifting it by the operating nut.
Zero Leakage
Every valve is seat and shell tested after assembly to ensure its rated performance and that the seating mechanism is leak-tight.
Dual Sealing Body to Bonnet Gaskets
The body to bonnet gasket utilizes a unique dual sealing design which incorporates the reliability of a flat gasket and an integral pressure energized O-Ring seal.
EPDM Fully Encapsulated Ductile Iron Wedge With Polymer Guide Covers
Helps to ensure zero leakage with low stem torques.
Optional Gearing
Gearing allows for reduced torques and the ability to accommodate lower depths of bury.
Valves 16"–24" shall be resilient wedge gate valves, of a non-rising stem design and rated for 250 psig cold water working pressure. All cast ferrous components shall be ductile iron, ASTM A536. Valves 16"–24" shall meet or exceed all applicable requirements of AWWA C515. The words “Ductile Iron” or “D.I.” shall be cast on the valve. The wedge shall be ductile iron fully encapsulated with EPDM rubber.
The wedge shall be symmetrical and seal equally well with flow in either direction. Wedge guides shall be equipped with male guide covers. The use of auxiliary bronze rollers and plow-style shoes are not acceptable. The wedge nut shall be independent of the wedge and held in place on three sides by the wedge to prevent possible misalignment. Valves shall be Certified to NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 and NSF/ANSI/CAN 372.
Bolting materials shall be 304 stainless steel unless otherwise specified. Bolts may have either regular square or hexagonal shaped heads with dimensions conforming to ANSI B18.2.1. Metric size socket head cap screws are not allowed. The operating nut shall be constructed of ductile iron. All gaskets shall be pressure-energized O-Ring type seals. Stem shall be sealed by three O-Rings. O-Rings set in a cartridge shall not be allowed. The valve shall have thrust washers located with (1) above and (1) below the thrust collar to assist operation of the valve. All internal and external surfaces of the valve body and bonnet shall have an epoxy coating, complying with ANSI/AWWA C550.
Gate valves in sizes 16"–24", which are to be installed on ductile iron pipe, shall employ the use of a boltless positive joint restraint equal to the Flex-Ring joint manufactured by AMERICAN. Friction style restrainers, which point-load the adjoining pipe, will not be allowed. All restraining hardware shall reside inside the valve joint. Grooved or coupling style joint restraint, with restraining hardware residing outside the valve joint is not allowed. Mechanical joint (MJ) valves, if allowed by the engineer in this size range, must be restrained on each end by a positive joint restraint, equal to MJ Coupled Joint. All bolted and/or MJ Coupled Joint restraining hardware shall be Type 304 stainless steel. The cost for the use of additional fittings in this size range, required to achieve desired pipeline deflection because of the use of MJ valves, will be at the installer’s expense.
Valves shall be AMERICAN’s Series 2500 resilient wedge gate valve.