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Surge in Natural Gas Production Boosts American Manufacturing, Employment

Oct 23 , 2018
Oil and Gas

An estimated 1,200 miles of natural gas pipelines will be added every year through 2035 to meet growing demand, according to the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (INGAA). As the need for natural gas grows, so too does the number of employment opportunities and the positive impact on the nation’s economy and U.S. companies such as AMERICAN Steel Pipe.

Energy production and transportation is divided into three sectors – upstream, midstream and downstream. Upstream finds and produces natural gas and crude oil. Midstream processes, stores and transports natural gas and oil. Downstream delivers to the end user or customer. AMERICAN Steel Pipe primarily serves the midstream sector, manufacturing high-frequency-welded (HFW) steel pipe in diameters from 12.75 to 24 inches. Projects can range in size from several miles to 100-plus miles.

“Upstream, midstream and downstream – employees are needed for each stage of natural gas production and delivery – and these skilled jobs are providing American families with well-paying employment opportunities.”  – AMERICAN Steel Pipe Assistant Division Sales Manager Paul Freund

“Upstream, midstream and downstream – employees are needed for each stage of natural gas production and delivery – and these skilled jobs are providing American families with well-paying employment opportunities,” said AMERICAN Steel Pipe Assistant Division Sales Manager Paul Freund. “Developing our natural resources has provided a boost in U.S. employment and created a resurgence in American manufacturing. But another benefit is energy independence and protecting our national security. AMERICAN Steel Pipe is proud to play a part in it.”

The U.S. is currently the number one producer of natural gas in the world, according to Your Energy, an initiative supported by the American Gas Association and related organizations. Your Energy estimates 67 million homes in America run on natural gas, and natural gas saves families almost $900 a year. Not only is natural gas used to heat homes and water, but it also generates about 30 percent of the nation’s electricity and is used to manufacture products consumers use every day.

“The use of domestic oil and natural gas is making America’s energy independence a reality,” said Freund. “The more we use American fuel, the less we depend on foreign sources and the more money consumers have in their pockets.”

To learn more about the benefits of natural gas and natural gas pipelines, visit INGAA is a trade organization that advocates for the natural gas pipeline industry in North America. Last year INGAA launched its “America’s Energy Link” campaign to raise awareness about natural gas and how it enhances and improves our daily quality of life.

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