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Four Neighborhoods: One Fun Day in the Park

Aug 30 , 2019
Awards and Achievements, Community Involvement, Employee News

An estimated 300 people from the ACIPCO-Finley, Hooper City, North Birmingham and Smithfield Estates neighborhoods gathered together for a day of fun and fellowship in the park on August 24. The event was sponsored by ACIPCO, and several employees volunteered at the event.

North Birmingham President Jimmie Coleman said, “This was the first time all four neighborhoods had gotten together for a community fun day. We need to do things like this. It shows we can all come together and work toward solutions.”

Smithfield Estates President Ellen Spencer said everyone enjoyed the event, especially the children, with the bounce houses, face painting, dancing, food and more. “Today was a big success,” Spencer said. “We were able to make new friends and see old ones. ACIPCO is just phenomenal in the work it does in the community.”

Hooper City Neighborhood Association President Anthony Douglas said, “It has been a beautiful and awesome event. We thank ACIPCO for bringing us all together and for the support.”

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