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ACIPCO Hosts APTV’s Alabama STEM Explorers

Feb 24 , 2022
Awards and Achievements, Community Involvement, Employee News, Water and Wastewater

Lights, camera, action! ACIPCO recently hosted the crew of APTV’s Alabama STEM Explorers to shoot an episode about how ductile iron pipe is made. The episode, which will air later this spring, demonstrates two processes similar to those used in the manufacture of ductile iron pipe. One is tempering chocolate. Like ductile iron, the properties of chocolate can be altered by carefully controlling the temperature of the chocolate during processing.

Alabama STEM Explorers is an interactive, 30-minute program hosted by young people that focuses on how science and technology are applied in jobs across Alabama. One aim of the program is to promote diversity in STEM jobs by profiling professionals who work in the field, such as our own Manufacturing Engineer Lindsay Hamner. A special thanks, too, to Manufacturing Engineers Lindsey McCall and Rikki Brown for their help in developing and producing the episode.

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