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ACIPCO Receives Prestigious National Health Award

Oct 7 , 2014
Awards and Achievements
More than 80 percent of AMERICAN employees participate in the company's annual health screening and health coaching program.

AMERICAN Cast Iron Pipe Company is one of two companies to receive this year’s prestigious C. Everett Koop National Health Award in recognition of its WellBody health and wellness program. Fewer than 60 U.S. companies hold this award for demonstrated improvements in employee health and reduced health care costs. The award was presented on Oct. 1, 2014, at the Health Enhancement Research Organization (HERO) Forum in San Diego, California.

“AMERICAN Cast Iron Pipe Company’s efforts demonstrate that, when done right, evidence-based health promotion and disease prevention programs not only make workers healthier, but they can also produce a positive return-on-investment,” said Ron Goetzel, Ph.D., president and CEO of The Health Project, which administers the award program.

For AMERICAN, that return on investment is $1.70 for every dollar spent on the program, according to a recent five-year study by the company. “It simply makes good business sense,” said Sheri Snow, Wellness manager. “But, it’s also the right thing to do – to help our employees, retirees and their families build and maintain healthy lifestyles.”

The program includes an on-site wellness center, individual health coaching sessions and access to registered dieticians and exercise instructors. “More than 80 percent of employees participate in our annual health screening and health coaching program,” Snow said. “And we see the impact of that in lower health risks and lower health care costs – for employees and the company. It’s a win-win.”

More information about the C. Everett Koop National Health Award, winners and their health promotion programs is available on the Web at

Founded in 1905 in Birmingham, Alabama, AMERICAN is a manufacturer of ductile iron pipe, spiral-welded steel pipe, fire hydrants and valves for the waterworks industry and electric-resistance-welded steel pipe for the oil and natural gas industries. AMERICAN’s diversified product line also includes static castings and high-performance fire pumps.

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