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Another Positive First Experience With HDD Installation Using Ductile Iron Pipe

Aug 10 , 2016
Water and Wastewater

The following study was presented at the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Pipelines conference in Kansas City, Missouri, on July 19, 2016. The research paper, The City of Lafayette, Louisiana: Another Positive First Experience With HDD Installation Using Ductile Iron Pipe, as published in Pipelines 2016: Out of Sight, Out of Mind, Not Out of Risk, is available in the ASCE Library online.

Ralph R. Carpenter, Industrial Sales and Trenchless project manager, presented on Lafayette, Louisiana’s positive first experience with Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) using ductile iron pipe. The project involved three successful HDD pulls of 1,140, 940 and 740 feet. Read the study here.

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