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Energy Efficiency Through Material Selection

Aug 18 , 2016
Water and Wastewater

The following study was presented at the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Pipelines conference in Kansas City, Missouri, on July 19, 2016. The research paper, Energy Efficiency Through Material Selection, as published in Pipelines 2016: Out of Sight, Out of Mind, Not Out of Risk, is available in the ASCE Library online. Derek B. Scott, AMERICAN Flow Control Marketing and Technical manager, and Maury D. Gaston, AMERICAN Ductile Iron Pipe and AMERICAN SpiralWeld Pipe Marketing Services manager, discuss several factors that affect the cost and amount of electrical power required to operate a utility system. By calculating how different pipe materials and different types of isolation valves impact energy costs, utilities can potentially save thousands of dollars each year. Read the study “Energy Efficiency Through Material Selection.”

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