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Morganton: First City in North Carolina to Install Zinc-Coated Ductile Iron Pipe

Sep 1 , 2016
Water and Wastewater

This article also appeared on Water Online and Water Finance & Management.

Morganton, North Carolina, recently became the first city in the state to install zinc-coated ductile iron pipe. Zinc pipe, manufactured by applying a coating of zinc to the pipe’s outer surface, will be used to upgrade the utility’s system.

“We are committed to ensuring our customers have reliable and dependable water for years to come,” said city of Morganton Water Resources Director Brad Boris. “We know that zinc-coated ductile iron pipe will outlast any other pipe on the market and provide long-lasting value to our customers.”

AMERICAN has sold zinc-coated pipe to customers overseas since the 1980s. “We’ve seen the benefits of this advanced pipe technology used in a variety of environments around the world, and know it will serve Morganton well for generations to come,” said Maury D. Gaston, Marketing Services manager with AMERICAN Ductile Iron Pipe and 34-year iron industry veteran.

“We know that zinc-coated ductile iron pipe will outlast any other pipe on the market and provide long-lasting value to our customers.”Brad Boris, City of Morganton Water Resources Director

The city of Morganton’s system contains iron water pipe that has been in continuous service since the early 1900s. Morganton and more than 600 water utilities across the U.S. have iron water pipe that has been in continuous service for over 100 years, when cast iron was made widely available in the U.S.

“In the mid-1900s, we introduced ductile iron pipe, an advancement that allowed us to make stronger pipe with more flexibility,” Gaston said. “Zinc is the latest revolution in iron pipe.”

In addition to its long service life, ductile iron pipe with a cement-mortar lining inside is known for its sustainability. Iron pipe is made from recycled iron and steel; requires less energy for pumping, and therefore is less expensive than plastic pipe to operate; and is the only pressure pipe to be SMaRT certified by the Institute for Market Transformation to Sustainability.

AMERICAN, founded in 1905, is a manufacturer of ductile iron pipe, spiral-welded steel pipe, fire hydrants and valves for the waterworks industry and electric-resistance steel pipe for the oil and natural gas industries. AMERICAN’s diversified product line also includes static castings and high-performance fire pumps.

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