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Foundry in a Box STEMs Learning for Students

Jul 11 , 2017
Awards and Achievements, Community Involvement

Every year the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) hosts the Summer Engineering Experience for Kids (SEEK) to teach minority students about Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM). SEEK is designed to engage students in a fun and educational experience through hands-on engineering projects and interactions with collegiate STEM students and professional engineers.

On June 21, 2017, AMERICAN joined in the effort, as volunteers from AMERICAN and American Foundry Society-Birmingham Chapter presented Foundry in a Box to more than 120 students at Phillips Academy.

Manufacturing Engineer Ken Murphy, who leads the Birmingham Chapter’s Foundry in a Box, taught the students about foundries, castings and how they are a part of our everyday lives. To simulate metal casting, students poured melted tin into molds to create a pendant they took home.

“Foundry in a Box plants a seed,” said Randolph Fowler, AMERICAN manager of community relations. “We want to educate students at a young age to let them know engineering and manufacturing careers are an option.”

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