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In the June 2023 Journal AWWA, AMERICAN Flow Control Encourages Utilities to “Consider Gate Valve Specifications”

Jun 9 , 2023
AMERICAN Flow Control, Water and Wastewater

The June 2023 issue of Journal AWWA features an article from AMERICAN Flow Control Marketing and Technical Manager Derek B. Scott and Product Engineer John Helf. The article invites readers to learn about the evolution of gate valve standards in the water industry. It includes results from testing of valve designs covered by the ANSI/AWWA C509 and C515 gate valve standards. Experiments were conducted on two valve types – gray iron C509 and ductile iron C515. The tests compared the performance of the valves in a simulated advanced corrosion environment and under beam load conditions. Testing confirmed the performance capabilities of gate valves complying with the C515 standard, as the ductile iron C515-style valve outperformed the gray iron C509-style valve in all areas.

“Water utilities can remain confident in the C515 standard and know that when it comes to gate valves, thicker walls are not necessary,” Scott said. “When considering product selection and specifications, it’s important to be aware of all available technologies. More important, however, is to choose reliable, proven, time-tested products that best meet the needs of the project engineer, owner and end users.”

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